Open Source Software for Educators

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How can a community-supported Open Source project offer support that compares to that of large software companies?

Open Source Software actually offers superior support than most commercial applications. When was the last time you talked to someone at Microsoft when something went wrong with one of their applications? Chances are that you had to turn to your computer manufacturer for support instead, assuming it was a warranty-covered issue. If you just need help, getting live telephone support from large software vendors costs money. Few schools can afford the support packages offered by the large software vendors. You are generally left to find the answer for yourself on the web or from your own IT staff.

The same is true for Open Source Software. There are companies that offer paid telephone support at rates that are generally even better than the large software vendors. Where Open Source really shines is its online community. You can often speak directly with the developers of the software in forums to get answers to your questions. Even better, if you discover a bug or have a suggestion for an additional feature, the developers can make changes to the product far more quickly than commercial developers.

If you have an IT staff that is already familiar with PCs or Macs, the jump to Open Source support is minimal. You will find that running Open Source Software on these platforms is an easy transition for you and your students as well.

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